Gemma Andreone

Gemma Andreone is Director of Research in the Institute of International Legal Studies of the Italian National Research Council (ISGI-CNR), where she has been Research Associate (2001-2009) and Senior Research Associate (2010-2020).
Since 2015, she is Editor in chief of the Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal, open access e peer reviewed journal – ISSN 2464-9724 (ranked in Italy as an A class review). To date, she has been coordinator, principal investigator and member of a number of national and international scientific projects and of training activities. She is member of the Scientific Council of INDEMER. She is legal adviser and solicitor at the Bar of Rome (Italy) and she is consultant for the Italian Ministry for economic development and for the Italian Ministry for foreign affairs and international cooperation.
She was Chair of the Cost action IS 1105 Marsafenet – NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitime SAFEty and security ( – funded by the EU from March 2012 to March 2016. She has been teaching International Law as adjunct Professor at the University of Naples L’Orientale from 2001 to 2013 and she obtained the National Scientific Qualification to Associate Professor of International law and European Law in Italian Universities. She obtained a PHD in Public and European Law at the Faculty of Law of Seconda Università of Naples in 2001 and obtained a LLM in European Law and Economics at the University of Naples Federico II in 1998. She is author of books, articles and papers on several international law issues, and especially on the law of the sea, fisheries and Mediterranean Sea governance.