Marco Cunetto

Mr. Marco Cunetto is a senior development professional with more than 8 years experience managing international and regional programs and projects in the field of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. After leading the operational management and portfolio of more than 800 companies and NGOs within the mixed Italian Chamber of Commerce, he joined BUSINESSMED in 2016 where he is currently leading the international cooperation projects department.
In a career spanning over more than 10 years, he has worked with international organizations, finance institutions, governments and private businesses on a wide range of programmes and initiatives around Europe and the MENA region, primarily focusing on improving the business ecosystem to mobilise private finance at scale and deliver sustainable impact.
Over the years, he dedicated particular emphasis to supporting key priorities underpinning inclusive growth and regional integration such as SMEs’ competitiveness, women and youth entrepreneurship, sustainable business development, access to finance and digitalization, with a particular emphasis on upskilling and reskilling of SMEs and Business Support Organizations and the promotion of sustainable business opportunities and FDIs between Europe and the Southern Neighbourhood countries.
Mr. Cunetto holds a Professional MBA in Economy, Institutions of Arab Countries from Luiss Guido Carli School of Government as well as a double Master Degree from Aix En Provence University (IREMAM) and Venice Cà Foscari University in the field of scientific research relating to socio-political affairs in the MENA region.