Sana Ben Ismail

PhD “Study of water masses circulation in the Central Mediterranean Basin and along the Tunisian coast using Eulerian and Lagrangian measurements” at University of Tunis and ENSTA ParisTECH, Tutors (Pr. Cherif Sammari (INSTM), and Dr. Karine Béranger (ENSTA Paris-Tech), September 2014).
Master degree at the National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT). “Analysis of the thermal and dynamic variability of surface water in the Sicily channel and its surrounding areas by remote sensing” Supervisors: Slim GANA (INAT) and Cherif SAMMARI (INSTM) (March 2006)
Agronomic Engineer diploma, specialty: Environment and marine resources (INAT), June 2003
Professional experience & appointments:
2012 until now. Researcher in Marine Environment Laboratory in the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM).
2008-2011. PhD student in Marine Environment Laboratory in the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM).
Physic, climate change, physical Oceanography, biogeochemical
Current and Hydrological data acquisition and analysis
Biogeochemical data acquisition and analysis,
Oceanographic data acquisition and analysis
Numerical and Spatial Oceanographic data analysis: SBE Data Processing, SEASAVE, Ocean Data View, ArcView, ENVI, ERDAS, Matlab, IDL, Surfer, Photoshop.
Ocean measurements: CTD, drifters, moorings, GLIDER
Language: Arabic, French, English.
Membership at national and International and participation to Research Project networks
• Membership
• MEGARA Network Expert (ATCOGEN).
• IAPSO National Correspondent
• MEDECC Expert
• POGO -Nippon Foundation
• Ocean Expert (IOC database)
Research Projects networks
• 2019-2022 COMMON ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 – Principal Investigator and national coordinator.
• 2017-2021 CLAIM H2020 PROJECT- Principal Investigator
• 2018-209 Glider data experiment/GETSCh project/JERICO NEXT H2020 – Principal Investigator
• 2017-2019 SEADATANET CLOUD H2020 – Principal Investigator